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Oak Haven Residential Care Llc

Home > Oak Haven Residential Care Llc


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Oak Haven Residential Care Llc
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1780280560
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 12/8/2020

Last Update Date: 12/8/2020

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: PO BOX 86
Cloverdale, OH 45827
Phone Number: 4194882310
Fax Number: 4194882321

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 152 MAIN ST
Cloverdale, OH 45827
Phone Number: 4194882310
Fax Number: 4194882321

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 310400000X
Secondary (if any):
State: OH

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About Oak Haven Residential Care Llc

Oak Haven Residential Care Llc ( OAK HAVEN RESIDENTIAL CARE LLC ) is A Assisted Living Facility Provider in Cloverdale, OH. The NPI Number for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is 1780280560.
The current location address for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is 152 MAIN ST Cloverdale, OH 45827 and the contact number is 4194882310 and fax number is 4194882321. The mailing address for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is PO BOX 86 Cloverdale, OH 45827- 4194882310 (mailing address contact number - 4194882310).
A facility providing supportive services to individuals who can function independently in most areas of activity, but need assistance and/or monitoring to assure safety and well being.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is 1780280560

Where is Oak Haven Residential Care Llc located?

Answer: Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is located at 152 MAIN ST Cloverdale, OH 45827.

What is the specialty for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc ?

Answer: The Specialty of Oak Haven Residential Care Llc is A Assisted Living Facility Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Oak Haven Residential Care Llc ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Cloverdale, OH?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Sherry Webb
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Address: 152 MAIN STREET Cloverdale, OH 45827 , Phone: 4194882310
Stephanie Coble
Athletic Trainer
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Address: 22324 ROAD H22 Cloverdale, OH 45827 , Phone: 4197967418
Oak Haven Residential Care Llc
Assisted Living Facility
NPI Number: 1780280560
Address: 152 MAIN ST Cloverdale, OH 45827 , Phone: 4194882310
Angela Elaine Gamble
Private Vehicle
NPI Number: 1538765045
Address: 26150 ROAD O Cloverdale, OH 45827 , Phone: 4192960905

Oak Haven Residential Care Llc in Other Directories

Provider don't have other directory link yet.